Last night I went to show featuring Peter's band, Knife Tornado, at Club Vegas. He's in a metal band, and although I don't mind the drums and the guitars I hate the screaming/singing. I've heard Peter play me some songs on his drums at his house but this was the first time I saw him perform (well perform non Taiko drums), and it was quite exhilarating. All of their songs were incredibly powerful and energetic and they would have been pretty cool if they would just stop screaming and sing instead! But also, last night was the first time I met pretty much all of Peter's friends. Over the years that I've known him he would always say things like "oh hey we should hang out with so-and-so" and then it just wouldn't happen. I use to feel like he didn't think I was cool enough to meet his other friends, but dunno then I got to know him better and that seemed a silly assumption. It was an odd feeling meeting his friends. He always talks about so and so and naturally I envision an idea of what they look like and what I imagined Logan (one of his friends that he talks about all the time) to look like was almost exactly as he was, whereas with Paul (another one he talks about always) was nothing at all what I thought he would look like.
Today I had a physics exam. (I know, right? Go to a concert the night before your exam? Not the wisest. But Peter should give me super props for being so dedicated to the cause!) I think I did fairly well on the exam, there was one problem though that I thought was insanely ridiculous and I was worried that whatever way I was trying to solve it was excessive and a way round about way of solving it. I felt so bad though, on our exams we circle which TA we go to for discussion so we can get the exams returned and my TA, Rhett, is a pretty good TA but one day he was sick and this other TA, Ren, substituted for him and the way he taught was waaaay easier for me to understand than for Rhett so I decided to go to Ren's class but when I turned in my exam today Rhett was there and he was asking about how I thought I did and he freakin' knew my name. I mean, most TAs don't bother learning names and might recognize you by how you look, but sigh, he knew my name and I had an exam that the other TA's name was circled. He was like "oh, did you mean to circle me?" and I was like "Um.. no.." to say the least it was awkward and I felt bad making him feel like he wasn't a good teacher or something.
Let's see, what else? My friend Ziv has been trying to play match maker with me. At first he wanted to set me up with one of his friends because his friend "likes big boobs" and I was like "ehhh, I don't think so." I mean, even if he was dreamy I wouldn't want someone who's criteria for dating is if you have big tatas. Then he told me his friend Feliks was interested in me, and I had anatomy with him and at the time I always thought he was kind of cute but I definitely got that vibe of "totally not into you". I've been texting him now and again, and sitting with him in bio chem 2 (in which we found out we had together) but still he gives off that "ehhh" vibe to me. So who knows where that will go, if anywhere.
Tonight I have plans to hang out with Sam and her posse plus Peter (and maybe Paul?) and watch this movie called Southland Tales, which might I add looks completely stupid but a few of my friends have been freaking out about how awesome it is so I figured I would give it a try.
Okay, that's my life as of right. now.