Monday, September 29, 2008

Exam woes.

Whew, I had two exams today and I think I did alright. I apparently didn't study hard enough in Ochem.. or maybe didn't study it for speed but I didn't finish the last few problems on the exam which I know I would have got if I had more time. My bio chem test was so effing lame. I printed out the last 3 years of old exams and I could do every single problem on those exams and the trend was one graph in which you had to find out the velocity of the enzyme turn over rate, piece together a polypeptide and calculate the net charge on a polypeptide... so I was set I could do all of them in addition to have memorized 20 amino acids and misc. info from the lectures (i.e. bond angle of alpha helixes, etc) and my Professor was like "this is probably the easiest test I've ever written" so of course I was getting pumped about it. Get the exam-- and half of the things I studied for (enzyme rate, piecing polypeptides together) was NOT ON THE EXAM. I was freaking out and doing like 20 different problems involving it and alas! Nothing there. Instead he asked for some random information about which amino acids could do radical reactions which he did NOT talk about in class (and I think I got the right answer because of other chemistry classes I've taken-- theres only so many amino acids that can make a stable tertiary radical) but honestly amigo.

But I think overall, I did pretty well. Not as well as I thought I would do, but definitely above average. (Knock on wood!) I just wanted to get A's on my exams like I did on my calc exam :(

Oh, but before my Ochem class I noticed that this guy in front of me's shirt:
I thought it was pretty hilarious that this guy felt the need to advertise that he was a putz. Oh, I guess not even a putz but 20 PUTZ.

So ridiculous.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Yearbook Yourself.

So, a friend of mine stumbled upon this website called "Yearbook Yourself" and seeing him in some 70's afro, I decided that I would do myself. So, enjoy!:

This one actually reminds me of this photo I have of myself when I was about 4 years old. Exactly the same hair-do.

So, although the hair looks great in this one, the person's face shape wasn't quite the same as mine and it makes me look kind of like Sarah Jessica Parker back in the 80's.

I didn't think this one worked that well, but the hair is hilarious enough. I should really do my hair that way.

Haha, so hot, right? Mary Tyler Moore.

This one cracks me up, I imagine they added this one for anyone who wasn't white who was uploading their images, so now I know what I would look like as partially black in the 80's.

Yes, I do look straight out of Hairspray.

Haha, my sister Melissa has a picture just like this!

This one is probably my favorite which is undoubtably because a) I look normal, b) the original photo had the same face shape as mine, and c) she has almost the same hair-do as I normally do!

So, I had probably way too much fun doing this but I'd say it's totally worth it so go whip out your straight on images of yourself (which is a lot harder than it sounds) and dig into the past.

Monday, September 22, 2008

We can dance if we want to, We can leave your friends behind, 'Cause your friends don't dance and if they don't dance, Well they're no friends of mine

So, I got this from Kati and she said it was a husband quiz and she was going to do it as a boyfriend quiz...... but since I don't have a boyfriend nor a husband (and definitely not both!) I'm going to make it about my BFF:

Quiz: How well do you know your husband boyfriend best male friend? Answer these questions about him and find out:


1. Sitting in front of the TV, what's on the screen?
Well, more likely than not it's some video game since he doesn't exactly watch tv, but for whatever reason he IS watching TV (and without me? which excludes Heroes, The Office, My Name is Earl) then it's probably NOVA.

2. You're out to eat; what kind of dressing does he get on his salad?
Salad?! He doesn't eat salad. Ever. He told me once that when he was little he thought about eating bugs and what it would feel like and he said it would probably be like eating a salad.

3. What's one food he doesn't like? Salad, tomatoes, vinegar, greasy food, probably every single uncooked vegetable (except for maybe carrots?), onions, and peppers.

4. You go out to a bar. What does he order? Orange juice, hahaha.

5. Where did he go to high school? Highland High!

6. What size shoe does he wear? 11 or 11.5

7. If he was to collect anything, what would it be? Well, he's kind of a pack rat. Like for instance he had a yard sale Saturday and basically didn't want to sell half of his child hood toys because he still thinks they're super awesome, (which some of them are super awesome). But besides that, I suppose he collects action figures (which is kind of like toys but for big boys!) and I guess video games?

8. What is his favorite type of sandwich? Well, if we go to a sub place he always wants meatball+ olives + parmesan cheese. But if it's a homemade sandwich he likes butter+ ham+ swiss cheese or peanut butter and jelly.

9. What would this person eat everyday if he could? Well,since he almost does this already: cereal. Lots and lots of cereal.

10. What is his favorite cereal? Hard one. I'd probably guess honey bunches of oats with peach slices, but if its packaged in a box and says it's cereal he probably likes it.

11. What would he never wear? Plaid pants. Every time we go shopping together he points out how stupid they are. Oh, that and pink polo shirts with a popped collar.

12. What is his favorite sports team? Lately it's been Desmond Miles. *WINK!*

13. Who will he vote for? He and I both agree there is no option on who to vote for in the 2008 election. Obama - Biden all the way!

14. Who is his best friend? Me, Graham, Alex, Sarahjane.

15. What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn't do? Hmm probably want to date him? har har.

16. How many states has he lived in? Uno.

17.What is his heritage? British Isles mainly, one "ancestor" he's proud of is that he is related to Elvis in some way.

18. You bake him a cake for his birthday, what kind of cake? Hmm, probably a yellow cake with fruit on it, with ice cream on the side which is the most important. He does like cake, but ice cream is his favorite!

19. Did he play sports in high school? Gym class?

20. What could he spend hours doing? Hmm, tinkering on his PS3, tinkering with his computer, tinkering with his music collection, and maybe drawing.

21. Does he belong to any men's organizations? MWH: Men Without Hats..... S-S-S-A-A-A-F-F-F-E-E-E-T-T-T-Y-Y-Y SAFE, DANCE. Yes, I know this made my title soooo long.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

On second thought...

I've changed my mind. I don't particularly like my biochem instructor. I mean, he's funny but the way he has his class notes set up kind of drive me nuts. So, basically he has Power Point notes divided into lectures instead of chapters or subjects like a normal human being. So, what these lecture notes entail is that if for whatever reason the next day he wants to talk about the same slide as the day before, he just includes it in the next lecture slide set. WHICH IS SO DUMB! I have like a huge bulk that is the lectures for that class, but I guess when I have the first exam I can clean out my folder. I'm kind of stressing for that class, we've been in class for a couple of weeks so far and I don't exactly know what COULD be on the exam. It's not like we've talked about much. Review of pHs, memorize 20 common occurring amino acids, beta- sheets, and alpha- helixs? Seems like so little? Definitely not enough to cover a test, because its not like we have to draw alpha-helix or even a huge oligomers and theres not enough information to fill up a test. So, Im paranoid it's going to hit me with something. I wish bio chem went more over like, what transcription actually is but I suppose we're getting there. Just have to understand the shapes of proteins for transcription, and why it unravels (which is what we just barely covered).

Oh, but, I realized that my Calculus professor is a genius. Literally a genius. So, awhile back I noticed that he never lectures with notes or with the book or anything and yet he can cover the material so efficiently that makes perfect sense. I was later confirmed that he was indeed a genius when the second time he passed back homework that he had memorized who everyone in the class is just by passing back the homework once. I'm soooo loving that class though. I feel kind of crazy for saying I love calculus but the last time I took Calculus with psycho horrible teacher (he would do some problems, and then skip steps, and when we ask how he did a certain step he would say "just figure it out!") I was struggling and at a complete loss versus now that the two last homework assignments that I've done I got a 93/100 and a 100/100 (and they rigorously check every problem and every step you do in your homework). I feel safe again saying I actually like math. Maybe Trung teaches calc 3 as well? I wish.

In other news, tonight is my niece Alannah's birthday party. (Oh, that reminds me I have to wrap her present! I can't go home after work and sleep a blissful hour before leaving.) My sister felt like she wanted to be a little extravagant on her birthday and has rented a limo to come pick her and her friends up and drive her to the beauty salon so that they can be pampered and have a chance to dress up in play clothes. Well, to say the least I'm excited-- I've never been in a limo myself. I mean, when my cousin got married I had the chance to look in, but never to just drive around. So I will tell you how it goes!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Donated Blood!....

My Bruise!

....and I got a huge bruise!

The blood bank people (and every other time I've donated blood) has told me that I'm a "good bleeder" and I imagine that's why I have a huge bruise. I probably kept bleeding after they pulled out the needle, so although it looks mightily wicked it hardly hurts. WHICH ARE THE BEST KIND OF BRUISES!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

High School Meme

Siiiiince Chel tagged me, I figured I would do it:

High School: Highland High.

1. Did you date someone from your high school: Yep! One person, all four years. Even though when I was a freshman it was lame "only at school" dating. Which kind of not really counts.

2. What kind of car did you drive? : I never drove to or from school. I typically got a ride from my Dad in the morning, and either walked home or bummed a ride from my friend Graham.

3. What is your most embarrassing moment in high school? Most embarrassing moment in school? I can't even remember. I'm sure I did get embarrassed but apparently nothing traumatizing.

4. Were you a party animal? If by party you mean ps2, then definitely. PS2 ANIMAL.

5. Were you considered a flirt? No, not really. That's what happens when you date only one fellow.

6. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir?: Nooo, (is apparently lame according to this meme). I totally took art.

7. Were you a nerd? : Definitely a nerd. School nerd, fantasy book nerd, art nerd, general nerd. I am just a nerd.

8. Were you on any varsity teams? : I tried out for baseball, haha. I didn't make the cut ;p

9. Did you get suspended/expelled? : Nah, 95% of my teachers adored me-- even ones that I didn't even have.

10. Can you still sing the fight song? : I actually can. I went to my nephew's football game and I was very much surprised that I knew all the words still. But I guess that's what you get for being in pep club for a year.

11. Who were your favorite teachers? : Doug Tate (even if he had freaky rules about homework), Dudley, Dr. Atiya, and pretty much all my math teachers besides freshman year. Sooo.. Mrs. Vance, Corsi. Wow, so basically the science and math teachers. (NERD).

12. Where did you sit during lunch?: If the weather was fair we'd sit outside in the middle courtyard, and when it was cold we would sit at a table fairly close to the most east side of the cafeteria.

13. School Mascot? Rams

14. Did you go to homecoming and with who?: Nope, I never went to dances with the exception of Halloween freshman year.

15. If you could go back and do it again, would you? I definitely would. I heart high school. Although I probably would have done things differently, like take art and pep club jr year instead of pep club and seminary. Well, I didn't have a very good seminary experience in general. Then I would have been more willing to skip class. I like never did that, when I totally could have and still got fine grades.

16. What do you remember most about graduation?: I remember that I had these pink high heels and I wasn't use to wearing high heels at all and my feet were killing me. Walking to the Huntsman Center and waiting to go in. Then I remember thinking the different lays were lame, like the pot leaf one? Or the candy one? Then I remember that during the actual ceremony I wouldn't have picked Abigal Adams to speak because although she is nice and smart.. she's a terrible speaker and draaaaaagged it on. Oh, and I remember screaming really really loud when Parker's name was called. So much that like everyone around me was like "sheesh angela". Haha.

17. Where did you go senior skip day?: I'm not sure exactly. I think I slept in, went to lunch with the boys. Nothing like absolutely amazing. I was sad that our year didn't do a gotcha thing with water guns. I was looking forward to that.

18. Were you in any clubs? : Art club and german club, but we didn't ever actually do anything. I remember for german, Herr Hardy was like "bring everyone for the year book photo, even if they're not in german. We need to beat the french class!"

19. Have you gained weight since then?: Yarp. So saaad :(

20. Who was your prom date?: Nooo dances. I wanted to go to a dance once, but I wanted Parker to ask me in a cutsie way, and when I hinted that I wanted to go he was like "so you want to go to dance with me?" in like "I don't really care but whatever if you want to go" tone and I said no because I was bitter!

21. Are you planning on going to your 10 year reunion?: Definitely, I want to check to see where everyone went. I can hardly wait.

22. Looking back, what advice would you give yourself?: Probably the same thing I would tell myself now, live your life for you and not for someone else. Oh, and value what you have because you might sorely miss it when the best thing you've ever had falls through because of your arrogance.

Tag some people: I tag, Sarahjane, Abby, Lindsay.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Shh, silent films.

You may or may not know, but I am kind of obsessed with silent films and so I thought I would help promote the Organ Loft by spamming their upcoming shows! Plus, since it's getting close to Halloween so they're showing cool ones. (Click on the image to show full sized image.)

Organ Loft Listing

P.S. If you don't know what the Organ Loft is, that's okay because I'm going to tell you....NOW. It's a place that shows silent movies and has a live performance of an organist jamming out to the movie for the score. It's pretty sweet.