I went to the general commencement and Ambassador Jon Huntsmen Jr. gave the speech. He talked about a whole bunch random things that I didn't necessarily think were relevant but overall I enjoyed his talk (but apparently I don't remember too much because I can't think of anything he said specifically.) I sat by my friend Ericka during the commencement and texted people. Pretty sweet.
In the afternoon there was the College of Science commencement at Kingsbury Hall and I was surprised how many of the PHD, Masters, and Bachelors graduates I knew. My sister Andrea, Aydan, Alannah, Melissa, Elizabeth, Mom, Dad, aunt Nanette, uncle Dave, and my-Paul were at the ceremony and I was glad they didn't hesitate to yell as my name was called. The president of BYU spoke at my BS commencement and he didn't do nearly as good as Huntsmen. I heard afterward from Andrea that when she and her kids sat down, Aydan listened for about a total of 5 minutes before asking when it as over.
After graduation we had a dinner for those who attended, played games with my nieces and nephews, ate my Mom's delicious delicious manicotti, opened gifts, and play my newly attained (via grad gifts) "Best Guess" Board game. Since graduation I have been living at Paul's house unofficially. (Unofficially because all my stuff isn't down there yet. I've been just packing bags of clothes and leaving them there...)
Living with Paul is like a dream. Yesterday we walked to the trax station from his house, traxed to the main library downtown, picked out random cds, books, and movies. Snagged a coffee from the library cafe and lounged around outside in the grass, walked back through the City building grounds to the trax. It was idyllic. We're so good together. The things that I get fussy about are things that he doesn't care about (which means I get things my way!) and vise versa. So it all works out. I am incredibly lucky, and I realize this.
![zig zag quilt](http://www.purlbee.com/storage/zigzagwhole425.jpg)
Other than that nothing too much going on. I have quite a few projects for girl scouts that I am working on. (Girl scout video-- hiiiiilarious as well as a photo keepsake book.) But Girl Scouts will be winding down come the end of May. I have also started walking with my Mom on the days that she is off. I think it will make both of us healthy in the long run, and now that I am no longer at home, walking around and talking with my Mom is a good thing. For both of us. Maybe we'll make Elizabeth come with us when she moves back to Utah.
Last Saturday I went out to dinner with Paul's Mom since she was in town for her step-daughter's graduation (she lives in Arizona) so I got to meet her. Reports say that she and Paul's step-Dad really liked me and that she'd be willing to pay for us to fly down and visit, so we've got that to look forward to! Free trip, yippee! I also have a trip planned with Mom, Dad, and Elizabeth at the end of June not to mention my Thailand trip August. Looks like a busy summer ahead!
Probably the last project on my list of things to do is gardening at my new home. This last winter Paul's landlord was extremely weird and decided to shovel the lawn as well as the walkways and because of that-- the whole front lawn's grass died (and is slowly being replaced with weeds). I am going to try to grow grass from seedlings sometime soon. I have no idea how to do it, but I guess that will be apart of the experience. Yay for being outside and working with the earth! We also bought a lavender plant when we were at the grocery store so we're going to plant that. Also, we bought some other plants (tomatoes, peppers, cilantro) to grow in a garden of our own making. We've gotta get on that soon if we want any peppers or tomatoes this summer.
Basically what I'm trying to say is that I am finally living my life. It's about time. Maybe when I finish my quilt I'll start looking for a real job (Tandem labs hook-ups here I come!). I was also thinking about interning up at the Zoo-- especially after my Thailand trip since I will have experience working with elephants!