Thursday, August 28, 2008

I heart Chemistry, and basically school.

I am pleased to announce that I am extremely enjoying school so far. It's weird, in previous semesters I would be excited for a class but soon would be disappointed and be indifferent to my classes but so far this semester I find myself becoming so enthralled in lecture, so when the professor says "well, it's time to go!" and I go "what?! time to go? it's only been 15 minutes!" only to realize that it indeed has been 50 minutes. I mean, yeah it is only the first week but I don't think I've ever felt so completely captivated by lectures as much as this year.

Oh, and I'm loving bio chem. I feel so so so smart in that class and that's always sweet. Today was discussion and someone was like "why is it thermally unfavorable in just water?" and not only did I know the answer to his question but I can see the entire mechanics on WHY. "Well, because when the water attaches to the carbonyl group that leaves a very unstable primary ethel anion, which wouldn't happen so the water just drops off instead because it's a nice leaving group."

Oh goodness I love chemistry.

On another note, I'm not taking japanese. It makes me very sad, but on the campus information system there were two "third year japanese" classes and I picked the one on Tuesdays and Thursdays because the Monday, Wednesday wouldn't work on so many levels. Well, I went to class and realized that this was the 3rd year japanese class for those who lived in japan for over a year (i.e. missionaries and army folk) who have a real grip on speaking it but not so much writing it. It made me so pissed off that there wasn't any distinguishes between the name. The only way I could have known if I clicked on the info about the class, and why would I do that when I know I want to take 3rd year jap? So, that leaves me having an 17 credit hour workload reduced to a 15 credit hours. Which is fine, but I feel so lazy.

I keep looking at what I need for graduation and it is finally starting to set in that I don't have much school left to do! Totally freaking me out, that soon I might have to be a real adult soon. I keep thinking about what I will do after school, and right now my hopes is to move to New Orleans and get some paid internships in a pharmacy and a vet, and maybe a chem lab? That might have to wait. Or maybe I will take a full time position at the Multimedia center doing graphic things that have nothing to do what I graduated in. I suppose we'll see!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First day of school..

First day of schoooool! I'm pleased to announce that I am actually excited about it. I haven't gone to Japanese 3 yet, buuuut I think I have decided to tough it out because its upper divisional credit, and I need thaaaat.

But, here is my schedule (so far):

Calc 2, at the crack of dawn(7:30a),
Ochem 2, at slightly past the crack of dawn(8:25a),
Then Bio Chem at a lovely 10:45a.

I have to admit having class that early doesn't thrill me and I expected that I would probably end up skipping class and sleeping instead, but as a preventive measure I promise to carpool with Parker to ensure that I do actually get to wake up, since I would have someone depending on me.

I was really really really not excited to take Calc 2 because I already have credit for it! I passed my calc ab ap test in high school, freshman year took calc 2, passed and full heartedly expected that I would never have to do math again. Well, if I was just doing Pharmacy that would be the case but since I decided to get my BS in Chem, I have to take Calc 3..... and I don't remember ANYTHING about calc 2. Today in class I could barely remember calc 1 stuff.. but after awhile I decided that I remember liking calc 1. My teacher when I was a freshman was terrible, and I didn't do so hot, so maybe this time I can get a high grade and replace my old one as well as remember it all for calc 3. My current teacher seems like he will be tough, but unlike my first calc 2 teacher he seems to actually care about the students and don't demand a whole load of homework due everyday at the start of class. Whew!

Ochem 2 to my everlasting shame, I didn't pass. I blame this whole heartedly on the teacher. Mrs. Janis Louie was probably the worse teacher I have ever had. I even tried taking it again, and when we got the results back for the first exam and the average was 39/100 (and the class isn't graded on a curve) I got the hell out of there. So, this time around I decided that I will take from the other ochem teacher no matter what, if I have to drive to effing Bountiful to take it, so be it. Well, apparently luck favors me (and enough people complained about her) the department got a new O Chem teacher. She seems tough, but she seems entirely approachable and first day of class, I understood way more than with Mrs. Janis Louie. Double whew!

Bio Chem, I was debating on whether I wanted to take it or not. It is a pre req for Pharmacy, but seeing as how I'm not entirely sure I want to do that anymore it was up in the air on whether or not I wanted to take the class, and I have decided that I would want to. I was always super super excited for bio chem because that is as interesting as chemistry really can be. To know that when they say "the receptors alter so that the chemical can't attach" I will be able to study the chemical composition of the receptor and actually understand, and KNOW why the chemical can't attach. SO EXCITED. Plus the class seems super awesome. The teacher seems to think the same way as me, and I like that a lot-- always makes learning that much more fun. My professor was pretty funny, he was expecting an important text during class and when he got it he was like "oh sorry, I was expecting an important text from Obama... ope ope, he says he's eating a garden salad with a caesar dressing with an iced tea to drink" then later in the class he got a call from whoever making sure he got it and he was like "Yeah I got it, thanks Obama. No, I don't like sweet tea". It was pretty funny. Oh and then he talked about the textbook since it is extremely expensive book (plus this year is a new edition), and he was talking about the author of the book saying something like "Lehninger was a very famous and popular bio chemist and this book has been a big hit since the second edition, in 1977. Unfortunately Lehninger has since then died but that doesn't stop him from releasing new editions!" It was quite hilarious.

I will see how Japanese goes tomorrow, and if I really seem completely lost then I will unfortunately give up my days of studying Japanese. :( But that would leave my Tuesdays and Thursdays wide open!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Fruit Popsicles!

Today was a dull day. I planned to go on a picnic but that fell through so instead I perused the stores and I ended up buying one of those "make your own popsicles" trays. So I bought the little $1.50 treat and some fruit juice so I can have yummy yummy iced treat later today.

Ugh, my laptop that I use has lost two of it's rubber feet and so now it is alternating between two different planes as I type, in other words it's being annoying! I know, random thought.

Anyways, today I checked out online the price of my textbooks and it seems that two of my big textbooks are brand new (new edition, new book, new everything) and so that eliminates me buy anything used.... so my grand total on textbooks should be about $593.55. Good gravy that's a lot. I figure now I can buy the used textbooks asap, and wait to buy the brand new after my next paycheck (since they're going to be used it's not going to be a big deal if I don't rush to purchase). I suppose that's what I get for being a science major, big fat science textbooks. It basically eliminates the major stock of anything I've been saving up for (i.e. a new imac for at home, plus some other collectors items). Oh well, I guess by the time I can buy a new imac the new ones will be coming out. Ahh, the hassle of avoiding credit debt.

Well, I'm going to go check on my popsicles. I just barely put them in buuuut, I have no idea the freezing point of juice is! I would figure lower than water because of all the "impurities" in the juice. Ahh, I miss chem lab which is a good thing since school starts in about a week from today. Goodbye hours of free time!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Twilight stories. I know, "what a girl", right?

Like everyone else I was super excited for the fourth, and last installment to the Twilight Series but let me assure you that my experience with was a nightmare. So, I pre-ordered it ages ago when I bought The Host and Amazon was telling me that they will give it to me Aug 2. Well, what happened was on the night of Aug 1st Amazon decided to charge me but they used my old debit card (with slight different number) instead of my new one which I told it to do. Well, since they charged me that night and I wasn't eagerly waiting for them to charge my book so that it could be in my hands the second, so when I woke up that morning it said there were problems and I had to fix it. Well, since it was apparently beyond the release day they told me that it would be there by the seventh. FIVE DAYS AFTER I EXPECTED.

I was very tempted to just say screw it and just go down to Barnes & Noble and buy it but then I thought about how it was cheaper on amazon and that maybe their estimation would be wrong I could get it asap. Well, turns out I was wrong. I eventually got it on the seventh (by then I wasn't even excited about it anymore!) and it just sat around on my bed. Not only was it five days later than I anticipated but the book itself wasn't that great of quality. The cover is all nicked and torn, the binding is slightly messed up, and the spine is all bent. I was positively furious and when I went to go make a complaint to good ol' Amazon, I could NOT find it anywhere. They might have one... somewhere.. but I couldn't find it after a half hour. Eventually I said screw it and read it anyways.

Quite honestly I was slightly disappointed with book four, I didn't hate it but I surely didn't love it. I thought it was very anticlimactic but I suppose it would have been pretty far fetching to end it any other way. I was super surprised that it actually said "the end" at the end of the book. I would imagine she could push the story a few more books. Like the whole... well I don't want to ruin it so I'll just say the whole jacob thing..

Oh and my favorite line from this book was "Edward always thought he belonged in some sort of horror movie but to me he was always in a fairy tale, my fairy tale." I was laughing like crazy at one in the morning over that one. So ridiculously cheesey. That one surely competes with a few of the other lines from the other books like "I know that my best friend is a werewolf but did he have to be such a monster as well?". Ahh, what a kick I get from them. It almost makes reading them worth it.

I suppose that now that Twilight is out of the way I can get back to reading Juliet Marillier. Oh how I love her books, probably soon enough I will give a little rant about them!

Oh! Also I bought Sword in the Stone yesterday, yay! It was funny there was a "redeem this code to win a prize on "" and so I did it after much nagging from Parker and I got 100 points from it and the lowest costing points was 150 and it was temporary tattoos. NICE! TOTALLY WORTH IT.

Since it is summer break here at the U, I have a different working schedule and I've mostly been working 12-6p and it has definitely tinkered with my eating schedule, I eat at like 9ish when I wake up and then when noon rolls around I'm not even close to being hungry so I never pack a lunch, so eventually at like 3ish I start getting super hungry and now I have to wait until dinner. Oh well, right? Just kind of frustrating.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


I wanted to spam this video out some more:

Monday, August 4, 2008

Did you miss the memo?

So I suppose in the end I really didn't like my design. I eventually decided that I didn't like the uniformity of the design. Hence why I have poppies now. Besides I think it is more pleasing on the eye. Also, I changed the favicon (the icon next to the url). I thought using the main "g" with the lace was too hard at the resolution needed for a favicon (16px x 16px). So I made it simpler.

So I have decided that it is completely ridiculous when people won't buy/read/listen to something just because it's currently popular. It's kind of like doing something JUST because it's popular, which is quite ridiculous. For example, when we were younger The Gap was the shiz and just because it was popular my sister Elizabeth never wanted to shop there. I suppose I can understand not wanting popular clothes since you see people wearing the same shirt/whatever where ever you go, but she wouldn't even look. She may have found her dream.. jacket or something there. Now a days I see people say things like "I don't want to read Harry Potter because it is so popular", same with the Twilight Books. Just seem slightly ridiculous. Read it because you want to, and if perchance that classifies you into the popular mass then so what? Quite silly.

Ah goodness, so awhile back I started talking to this guy who seems absolutely amazing, and later I emailed him suggesting some music he might like and he never responded so I was feeling slightly down thinking that he wasn't that into me until today he replied and I certainly like new crushes.

Friday, August 1, 2008

The beginning.

Hello everyone!

I felt fed up of having to remember the address to friend's blogs on blogspot so I created my own so I can stalk you with ease! Maybe it would have been less of an effort (since I made up the design to my page, yeah I think it's pretty cute and I'm proud of it) to just remember the urls, but hey. I already have a livejournal but I hardly know anyone on lj so I've decided that I will keep that one more personal journal and this one more public!

So, what's new with me that maybe not everyone will know yet? Well, if you're really behind the times I stopped dating Parker a few years ago (yes, it has been years..) and I foolishly started dating someone else. It was a big mistake, (especially since this other guy, Peter, wasn't the nicest of boyfriends [but a great friend]). Lately I've been thinking about why I broke up with Parker when really I feel like I would hardly be as incompatible with anyone else and I think it was the idea that if I did date this other guy, Peter, things would have been easier. That there wouldn't be any major problems, I suppose I thought it was going to easier with Peter... when in reality it was far worse that when it was with Parker. So yeah, point of the story: I am not dating Parker nor am I dating Peter. I am currently siiiiiingle. Which is fine, I would like someone to date but I'm not really interested in anyone. I mean, sure there's cute boys that I see and meet... but I much rather them just be friends then anything else. So I suppose single and loving it? But not quite?

In other news, in case you didn't know, I've been promoted to a supervisor at the Multimedia Center in the Marriott Library (on the U of U campus). I've been working at the MMC for quite sometime and I really enjoy it. One thing I definitely love about working there is that there isn't any ugly tension and overall people who aren't very nice. I mean, theres a few people that are more grumpy than others but overall everyone is pretty nice and I feel like I can consider everyone here a friend. I suppose in contrast to Dan's Bakery, (where I worked prior to the MMC) just most people didn't care if they hurt your feelings, or where lazy and wouldn't clean up certain messes or just generally didn't care about you. But it's quite different here, and I love it. At work I'm currently working on the icons for the mobile (iphone primarily) library page. I don't have the flare to make an entire website from scratch yet I think I am pretty handy when it comes to Photoshop. Before that, since I'm a supervisor I worked on a section on the tier training for other counter staff (and it was on Photoshop, the ins and outs). Then BEFORE THAT, I did the graphics for the University of Utah iTunes U page. Which I think is pretty cool, I think (especially since it can be accessed by any University of Utah student/employee!)

I suppose my post is getting pretty lengthy but, one last thing: I have decided to give up meat for the month of August! I decided that I love meat too much to give up meat for forever but I think it is always good for your body and your mind to give up food items temporarily. Like, a few months back I gave up soda and sugar foods, and since then I haven't been the biggest fan of soda. I drink it sparingly but I have too much of a sweet tooth to stop candy and other sweet things. Anyways, I am trying the real test of will power to give up meat and force myself to eat things like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. (Which I have been terribly sick of ever since I ate it almost every single day in high school).

Well, I guess this will do and I will update again soon!