Monday, August 11, 2008

Twilight stories. I know, "what a girl", right?

Like everyone else I was super excited for the fourth, and last installment to the Twilight Series but let me assure you that my experience with was a nightmare. So, I pre-ordered it ages ago when I bought The Host and Amazon was telling me that they will give it to me Aug 2. Well, what happened was on the night of Aug 1st Amazon decided to charge me but they used my old debit card (with slight different number) instead of my new one which I told it to do. Well, since they charged me that night and I wasn't eagerly waiting for them to charge my book so that it could be in my hands the second, so when I woke up that morning it said there were problems and I had to fix it. Well, since it was apparently beyond the release day they told me that it would be there by the seventh. FIVE DAYS AFTER I EXPECTED.

I was very tempted to just say screw it and just go down to Barnes & Noble and buy it but then I thought about how it was cheaper on amazon and that maybe their estimation would be wrong I could get it asap. Well, turns out I was wrong. I eventually got it on the seventh (by then I wasn't even excited about it anymore!) and it just sat around on my bed. Not only was it five days later than I anticipated but the book itself wasn't that great of quality. The cover is all nicked and torn, the binding is slightly messed up, and the spine is all bent. I was positively furious and when I went to go make a complaint to good ol' Amazon, I could NOT find it anywhere. They might have one... somewhere.. but I couldn't find it after a half hour. Eventually I said screw it and read it anyways.

Quite honestly I was slightly disappointed with book four, I didn't hate it but I surely didn't love it. I thought it was very anticlimactic but I suppose it would have been pretty far fetching to end it any other way. I was super surprised that it actually said "the end" at the end of the book. I would imagine she could push the story a few more books. Like the whole... well I don't want to ruin it so I'll just say the whole jacob thing..

Oh and my favorite line from this book was "Edward always thought he belonged in some sort of horror movie but to me he was always in a fairy tale, my fairy tale." I was laughing like crazy at one in the morning over that one. So ridiculously cheesey. That one surely competes with a few of the other lines from the other books like "I know that my best friend is a werewolf but did he have to be such a monster as well?". Ahh, what a kick I get from them. It almost makes reading them worth it.

I suppose that now that Twilight is out of the way I can get back to reading Juliet Marillier. Oh how I love her books, probably soon enough I will give a little rant about them!

Oh! Also I bought Sword in the Stone yesterday, yay! It was funny there was a "redeem this code to win a prize on "" and so I did it after much nagging from Parker and I got 100 points from it and the lowest costing points was 150 and it was temporary tattoos. NICE! TOTALLY WORTH IT.

Since it is summer break here at the U, I have a different working schedule and I've mostly been working 12-6p and it has definitely tinkered with my eating schedule, I eat at like 9ish when I wake up and then when noon rolls around I'm not even close to being hungry so I never pack a lunch, so eventually at like 3ish I start getting super hungry and now I have to wait until dinner. Oh well, right? Just kind of frustrating.

1 comment:

sjbernhisel said...

Haha, I saw this post on your LJ but I was too lazy to sign in after it realized that I wasn't.

ANYWAY, I totally know what you mean about Breaking Dawn.

However...I did love the whole, getting to interact with all the other vampires from across the world, thing.