Thursday, August 28, 2008

I heart Chemistry, and basically school.

I am pleased to announce that I am extremely enjoying school so far. It's weird, in previous semesters I would be excited for a class but soon would be disappointed and be indifferent to my classes but so far this semester I find myself becoming so enthralled in lecture, so when the professor says "well, it's time to go!" and I go "what?! time to go? it's only been 15 minutes!" only to realize that it indeed has been 50 minutes. I mean, yeah it is only the first week but I don't think I've ever felt so completely captivated by lectures as much as this year.

Oh, and I'm loving bio chem. I feel so so so smart in that class and that's always sweet. Today was discussion and someone was like "why is it thermally unfavorable in just water?" and not only did I know the answer to his question but I can see the entire mechanics on WHY. "Well, because when the water attaches to the carbonyl group that leaves a very unstable primary ethel anion, which wouldn't happen so the water just drops off instead because it's a nice leaving group."

Oh goodness I love chemistry.

On another note, I'm not taking japanese. It makes me very sad, but on the campus information system there were two "third year japanese" classes and I picked the one on Tuesdays and Thursdays because the Monday, Wednesday wouldn't work on so many levels. Well, I went to class and realized that this was the 3rd year japanese class for those who lived in japan for over a year (i.e. missionaries and army folk) who have a real grip on speaking it but not so much writing it. It made me so pissed off that there wasn't any distinguishes between the name. The only way I could have known if I clicked on the info about the class, and why would I do that when I know I want to take 3rd year jap? So, that leaves me having an 17 credit hour workload reduced to a 15 credit hours. Which is fine, but I feel so lazy.

I keep looking at what I need for graduation and it is finally starting to set in that I don't have much school left to do! Totally freaking me out, that soon I might have to be a real adult soon. I keep thinking about what I will do after school, and right now my hopes is to move to New Orleans and get some paid internships in a pharmacy and a vet, and maybe a chem lab? That might have to wait. Or maybe I will take a full time position at the Multimedia center doing graphic things that have nothing to do what I graduated in. I suppose we'll see!


Unknown said...

Wow Angela! I'm jealous you enjoy school so much! You're amazing, and major bummer about Japanese! I hate when stuff like that isn't clear! Good luck though

Chelsey Hansen said...

Angela, you are crazy, but wonderful. You make it sound so fun to be learning. I must admit that even though I'm not taking classes this semester...I went to campus on the first day of school to "check my email". I just couldn't miss that first day of class feeling, so I know how you might feel. I miss school.... :(

Jason and Abby said...

You heart chemistry? Are you ill?

angela jones said...

Abby, I'm most definitely ill. No logical person would love chemistry.

But Chel, I'm sorry you miss class! But hey, you're getting a baby so I'm not too sorry for you! ;p