Monday, September 15, 2008

Donated Blood!....

My Bruise!

....and I got a huge bruise!

The blood bank people (and every other time I've donated blood) has told me that I'm a "good bleeder" and I imagine that's why I have a huge bruise. I probably kept bleeding after they pulled out the needle, so although it looks mightily wicked it hardly hurts. WHICH ARE THE BEST KIND OF BRUISES!


Jason and Abby said...

Wow! I'm sorry about your bruise. Just think of all those lives you saved...hehehe

angela jones said...

Haha, excellent. An awesome bruise and saved lives. Definitely made getting stuck with a needle worth it!

Jason and Abby said...

Yay for being bruise buddies! I'm glad that I could collide with a metal guard rail so that i could match a bruise you got saving lives. It's kind of the same thing right? Ha ha ha

TomKat said...

Eek! You should tell them to be more gentle when they take out the needle. At least it doesn't hurt :)